Solitaire is one of the most popular games played worldwide by both adults and children. Even though this game has been around for years, it might surprise you that there are many different types of solitaire games available on the internet today. 

Some of these games come with a wide range of different features, and others have just one specific feature that makes them unique from another. If you’ve never played solitaire before then, I suggest you start with these basic rules before moving on.

Know the objective

know objective

First of all, you need to understand the rules of the game. Solitaire is a card game that uses one deck of cards. All the cards in the deck are placed together in face-down positions making it difficult to know which card is which. That’s why this game has been named “Solitaire.”

This card game aims to cut all the cards into pairs or “runs” by using all your cards in one particular column. Only after that can you clear off your table and start with a brand new pile, if you don’t mind starting over from scratch.

To play this card game well, you must know how to use the cards properly. In this game, you don’t have to be able to count exactly how many cards you have but rather just know how many cards are needed on each column. That’s why you must understand how much and which cards are required on any given column, as many things depend on it.

A good piece of advice is never to remove all your cards on a particular column just because that seemed like a good idea at the time. The more you remove, the more difficult it will become for you to deal with the remaining cards later in case they aren’t enough.

Laying out the cards

laying card

Next, you need to know how to lay out the cards in a sequence once you’ve removed them from their initial position. A perfect example of this can be seen in the picture below, where the straight and all other card combinations have been laid down on their respective columns.

You should know that if you use two cards already together in one column, placing them in a different column is better than putting them in the same column. This way, they won’t be considered a pair, and you can still deal with your cards properly.

The rules of this game can be a bit more complicated than you can imagine, but the basic rules are pretty easy. The most important part is to know when it’s time to remove cards from their initial position and when to place them in your remaining columns, or they’ll become unusable later on.

The tableaus and foundations

Next, you must know the concept of tableaus and foundations. A tableau is a group of five cards that are laid out in sequence on your table. Your goal is to complete one or more tableaus by adding more cards to the top of your pile, thus creating new combinations with those existing cards. 

A foundation is a group of four cards placed in the center column diagonal from the upper left corner to the lower right corner. You’ll see this type of foundation later in this article and its role in one’s game strategy.

Lastly, you have to know how many cards will be used for the foundations and tableaus and how many cards you’ll be dealing with at any given time. The initial number of cards you can use equals half the number of tableau piles. 

The rest of the cards are going to be placed on the foundation columns. This way, you’ll have plenty of choices on where to place your leftover cards once one or more tableaus are complete.

Once you’ve removed all your face-down cards and played them onto your respective foundation columns or tableaus, it’s time for you to deal out new cards again.

The stockpile


The last thing you need to know before playing this game is how the stockpiles are going to be used. This is the pile of face-down cards that are located on the left side of your table. The only time you’re going to deal with this pile of cards is if all your face-down cards are removed from the initial position and have been placed on your foundation columns or tableaus.

That’s one of the reasons why it’s a good idea to make sure that you don’t remove all your face-down cards just because they were there already unless you don’t mind dealing with new ones later.

Dealing and gameplay 

Now that you know the basic rules of this game and how they will be used within your gameplay strategy, it’s time for you to start practicing with solitaire. To do that properly, it’s a good idea to check out one of the many different solitaire games available on the internet today to gather some practice.

Once you’ve checked out the different types of games available online, you may decide to pick two or three and start practicing those. This way, you’ll have more options later on when one particular game isn’t going as well.

The foundation piles 

As mentioned before, the foundation piles require four cards. They are positioned in their respective columns, starting from the upper left corner and ending in the lower right corner in a diagonal pattern.

Every time you use a new card on one of these foundation piles, it will move towards you, which is why this column is also known as the “active column.” These foundations aren’t laid down in a straight line because they have to be moved towards you to be used.

The tableau piles 

tableu piles

Once you’ve removed all your face-down cards and placed them onto the foundation piles, you will need to move them into a special tableau pile. This is because it’s one of the only piles that will be used for multiple card combinations. 

Once a card has been used on one tableau pile, it will be moved towards you, and from there on, your final goal will be complete. This means that you’re not just dealing with pairs but also with runs to finish your game properly. The tableaus 

When you have finished the foundation piles and are ready to use them, you’ll need to move all your face-down cards into one of the four tableau piles. Each of these piles can contain five cards so that there’s enough room for you to use all your remaining cards for these combinations later on.

As mentioned before, every time a card is moved from an active column pile to a face-down pile, it can only be used once in this game. If a card is removed from the active column and moved directly onto one of your tableaus, it can be used again even though it was only there once.

The free cells 

Now you’re aware of how the tableaus and foundations will be used, and it’s time for you to check out one of the most important parts of this game. This part is widely known as the “free cell” and will be your most powerful tool when tackling any given combination because it can be used for all kinds of card pair combinations.

Because it’s present at the very end of every column but can be placed on any column, it is a very powerful tool that’s not discussed nearly enough during gameplay. The following picture shows all four foundation piles and one single tableau pile, hence four free cells.

Tips to Remember

solitaire tips

You want to remember two important things when dealing with this game. The first is not to remove all your face-down cards from the initial position. If this happens, you won’t be able to use them later on, and you might have a very hard time finishing your card combinations or even dealing with these cards properly later on.

Another important thing that you should remember is that if you’re playing against another person, it’s a good idea for you to put down all face-down cards before they have dealt the remaining cards onto their tableau piles. This way, you’ll be able to know how many face-down cards your opponent has left, which is why it’s a good idea to do this at all times.

Taking this into account, it might be a good idea for you to place fewer cards onto the tableaus and more of them onto the foundations because those might come in handy later on. If there aren’t many cards on the tableaus, you won’t have much to worry about later on, and everyone can finish their game properly.

The next time you’re thinking about playing solitaire against a friend or family member, use these tips and remember some of the most important things that will make your gameplay strategy much more effective and easier than otherwise.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, solitaire is a very popular game among most car enthusiasts, which is why it’s no surprise that it’s still around today. This game can be played by all ages regardless of one’s level of expertise.

The best thing about this game is that even if you’re not able to win the game right away, there are always other tables that require another round of your attention and practice. As long as you keep practicing, sooner or later, you’ll have a lot more experience than you had when first starting out.
